The 2023 15 Days Buddhist World Prayer Guide is now available to download for free.

Due to traditionally low distribution, the 15 Days Buddhist World Prayer Guide will only be available as a PDF download.
Once again, we are providing it for free but if you would like to make a donation towards our admin costs, you will have an opportunity to do so. Thank you for praying for the Buddhist world and your support of the Aotearoa New Zealand distribution of World Prayer Guides.


Please complete the order form that follows. Once you have submitted your information, you will be sent to a page where your unique identifier will allow you to download your copy of the 2023 Buddhist World Prayer Guide.

We ask that you do not forward copies to your friends but instead invite them to download their own copy from this page: https://missions.fit/buddhist15days.

Thank you for praying for the Buddhist World!

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Simply click "Send Order" and we will redirect you to your download page, from which you can also provide a donation should you wish to do so.